Root Booster, previously known as Root Plus, from Terra Aquatica/General Organics is a vegan product developed for organic cannabis growing. It contains seaweed, mineral nutrients and plant extracts that will drastically stimulate the growth of the roots.
Root Plus by Terra Aquatica is one of the best root stimulators on the market.
Type and Use
Root Booster,previously known as Root Plus by Terra Aquatica/General Organics, is a root stimulator suitable for growing cuttings and seedlings. It's used throughout the vegetative growth stage of cannabis plants.
Benefits to the plant
This additive assists plants in settling well after a transplant and developing a robust root system. Its unique blend of seaweed, plant extracts, and mineral nutrients enhances plant health and resistance to stress.
NPK 0-1-1
Phosphorus 1%
Potassium 1%
Made from molasses, cottonseed oil, potassium sulfate, phosphoric acid, Kelp seaweed, and hydrolyzed proteins.
How to use and dosage
Foliar application: Add 3 milliliters per liter to quality water and spray during low-light hours.
Watering: Add 3 to 5 milliliters per liter throughout the growth phase.
La Huerta's Opinion
For best results, we at La Huerta Grow Shop recommend combining Root Booster with the growth base Pro Organic Grow.
Root Booster, previously known as Root Plus, from Terra Aquatica/General Organics is a vegan product developed for organic cannabis growing. It contains seaweed, mineral nutrients and plant extracts that will drastically stimulate the growth of the roots.