NovaMax Bloom is a product that comes from merging of the needs of Cannabis growers in both hydroponic and organic systems. It's one of the most concentrated products on the market, from both Terra Aquatica and other fertilizer brands.
NovaMax Bloom's floweringfertilizer has been engineered by Terra Aquatica for cannabis cultivation in any substrate: soil, coco, hydroponics...
Plant Benefits
Includes all the essential elements for cannabis growth during the flowering phase. Its richness renders it suitable for cultivation in both hard and soft water.
NPK 4-8-7
Nitrogen 4%
Phosphorous 8%
Potassium 7%
Calcium 5.5%
Magnesium 3.3%
Sulphur 5%
Chelated Iron DPTA 0.1%
How to Use and Dosage
Add 1 to 2.5 mL of Flora Nova Bloom per liter of water from pre-flowering until the last 10-15 days before harvesting, during which you should only use water.
La Huerta's Opinion
During the first flowering week, it should be combined with NovaMax Grow.