Part B of Plagron's fertilizer specifically for cannabis cultivation in coco. It's combined with Part A to provide the plants with all the elements they need during the growth and flowering phases. Added humic and fulvic acids are also included.
Plagron cocos B is a mineral fertilizer in liquid form, developed by Plagronto nourish cannabis plants during the growth and flowering stages. It should always be used in combination with Plagron Cocos A.
Benefits to the Plant
The humic acids and fulvic acids contained in it allow for greater absorption of elements. It stimulates flowering and increases root growth.
NPK 1-4-2
1% nitric nitrogen
4.1% phosphorus
2.4% potassium
Usage and Dosage
Add up to 4 mL per liter of Plagron cocos B, mix well and then add the same amount of cocos A. It's used throughout the entire cultivation, up until the root washing stage.
La Huerta's Opinion
To achieve the best results, starting from the fourth week of flowering, we recommend combining this base fertilizer with the flowering booster Green Sensation.
Part B of Plagron's fertilizer specifically for cannabis cultivation in coco. It's combined with Part A to provide the plants with all the elements they need during the growth and flowering phases. Added humic and fulvic acids are also included.