Part A of the formula provided by Plagron for growing in coco fiber. It's combined with Part B to supply cannabis plants with all the nutrients they need in the growth and flowering phases. It contains humic and fulvic acids.
Plagron cocos A is a mineral-based liquid fertilizer, crafted by Plagron, to nourish cannabis plants during the growth and flowering phases. It's used in conjunction with Plagron Cocos B.
Plant Benefits
Along with containing the appropriate ratio of macro and micronutrients, the added humic and fulvic acids ensure they're assimilable across a wide pH range. These also stimulate root growth and flowering.
NPK 4-0-1
3.9% nitric nitrogen
1% potassium
4.5% calcium
Usage and Dosage
Add a maximum of 4 milliliters per liter of coco A, stir well and then add an equal quantity of coco B. Use throughout the process, until it's time to start root rinsing.
La Huerta's Opinion
At La Huerta Grow Shop, we suggest watering your plants so that there's always a drainage of at least 10%.
Part A of the formula provided by Plagron for growing in coco fiber. It's combined with Part B to supply cannabis plants with all the nutrients they need in the growth and flowering phases. It contains humic and fulvic acids.