This Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement by Pro XL is a nutrient transporter essential for plant growth. Humic Acid is one of the main constituents of soil humus.
It has the ability to bind to nutrients and then connect them with Fulvic Acid to be transported within the plant. This provides the plant with a better availability of nutrients, positively impacting yield.
This product comes in a concentrated liquid state and is available in 1L and 5L formats.
This Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement is a plant food supplement that ensures better nutrient transportation from the soil, up to the tip of the leaves.
It uses the properties of humic acid, which adheres to soil nutrients and connects them to fulvic acid, efficiently transporting them around the plant. This results in a boost in nutrition that translates into an overall improvement in the health of the strains and increased yield. It also enhances the soil's water retention capacity, reducing the need for frequent watering.
Biological stimulation of the plant.
Better nutrient transportation.
Greater resource utilization.
Increased water retention in the substrate.
Improved microbacterial symbiosis.
Exponential plant growth.
Plant Benefits
The humic and fulvic acids from Pro XL's Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement biologically stimulate the plants and the microorganism activities composing the substrate fauna.
Stimulation of plant enzymes.
Increased production of these enzymes.
Better organic catalysis in biological processes.
Growth stimulation.
Promotion of desirable microorganisms in the substrate.
This Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement recipe includes easy-to-dissolve premium components, concentrated for better utilization and lower cost.
Humic and fulvic acids in a 12% - 6% ratio.
Usage and Dosage
Add 1-2 ml per liter of water. Consult the manufacturer's table.
La Huerta's Opinion
This Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement by Pro XL is an easy-to-use and effective product that significantly improves the final yield.
It's recommended to all types of growers, especially the cautious grower, as, being a concentrated product, it's ultimately more economical.
This Organic Humic Fulvic Acid Supplement by Pro XL is a nutrient transporter essential for plant growth. Humic Acid is one of the main constituents of soil humus.
It has the ability to bind to nutrients and then connect them with Fulvic Acid to be transported within the plant. This provides the plant with a better availability of nutrients, positively impacting yield.
This product comes in a concentrated liquid state and is available in 1L and 5L formats.