Concentrate Vaporizers
Not all cannabis vaporizers are the same, and new models are constantly being developed, which can make it hard for consumers to choose. If you’re looking for a high quality vaporizer that’s also designed to specifically vape cannabis concentrates, you’re in the right spot.
What is a Cannabis Concentrate?
Cannabis concentrates are extracts made using flowers and other resinous cannabis plant material, which contains high amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes. Depending on the extraction method used (solvents, ice-o-lator, Rosin) and its finish, you can obtain a certain type of extract or another.
These substances are generally oily and sticky, so if you’re going to vape them you’ll need a specific type of vaporizer that isn’t going to break down when you put the concentrate in. In order to vape these substances and make the most of their properties, you’ll have to get it up to temperatures between 205° and 215°C without reaching 230°C, which is boiling point for concentrates.
Benefits of Vaping Concentrates
Some concentrates can be consumed by smoking them (via combustion), although we don’t recommend consuming them this way; cannabis extracts contain high amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes, many of which degrade and are lost during the combustion process.
Plus, vaporizing is much healthier than smoking; combustion produces many toxic substances via smoke. Vaporizers heat up extracts so that they don’t produce any type of combustion, rather they vaporize the active compounds, cannabinoids and terpenes. Concentrates tend to contain more of these substances, so vaporizing tends to produce a much more potent effect than smoking buds and plant material.
Vaporizers are ideal for those looking for maximum discretion, especially for those that want to enjoy their concentrates wherever they want without calling any unwanted attention. Portable vaporizers are quite discreet, and the vapor disappears in a manner of seconds, producing much less odour during less time.
Tabletop Concentrate Vapes
If you want to enjoy your concentrates at home, La Huerta Grow Shop’s catalogue has quite a range of high quality tabletop concentrate vapes. We stock one of the most renowned vaping brands, Storz & Bickel, with their Volcano vaporizing range, vapes that are incredibly potent and provide professional results.
Digital and Analog Easy Valve Volcano models heat concentrates using convection, which means that hot air passes through the concentrate and vaporizes its active substances so that you can enjoy them. Thanks to its design, these models allow for more contact between the concentrate and the hot air, more so than other models, producing efficient and even results.
Plus, if you’re a professional or a collector, we have the Hybrid Volcano model, which has the same characteristics as the previous models, with a much more intuitive screen. The Volcano Hybrid allows you to vape using Volcano’s classic balloons as well as using a normal tube and mouthpiece.
Portable Vapes for Concentrates
Portable vaporizers are one of the best and most discreet ways to enjoy your cannabis extracts; many of them fit in your pocket and go unnoticed thanks to their small size.
If you want to vape cannabis concentrates such as THC and CBD distillates, or CBD e-liquids such as Cali Terpenes, the Oil Pen Mini by Stoned Monkey is ideal; an affordable and compact model designed to vape liquids that contain cannabinoids and terpenes.
On the other hand, Wax extracts can be vaped using the Xmax Starry, a model that’s quite affordable comparatively speaking in regards to price. It can also vape flowers, and the temperature can quickly be adjusted up to 240°C. If you’re looking for something a bit more versatile, capable of vaping various types of extracts, the V-One 2.0 X-Vape Vaporizer is ideal; it can heat up to 220°C in just 4 seconds, and it’s made out of high quality materials.
If you’d prefer to go for a higher end product, you can check out our professional vaporizers such as the Pax 3 Vaporizer, a compact and potent model. This vaporizer can be adjusted using your phone, and it comes in basic and complete formats; the complete format can be used to vape cannabis concentrates.
If you’d like to get your hands on a portable vaporizer to complement your tabletop vape, Storz & Bickel are also the creators of the amazing Crafty+, a device that allows you to vaporize flowers and BHO thanks to its extract pad. This model can be adjusted using an app on your phone and provides professional results.
Vape Maintenance
Most vaporizers come with some type of brush for cleaning them; cleaning your vape after using it is incredibly important if you don’t want any issues in the future with nasty flavours. If you’re going to be vaping extracts such as wax or BHO, which is to say, sticky substances, we recommend cleaning the bowl before it cools down completely, making it easier to remove oily substances.
If you have any questions regarding our concentrate capes, get in touch with La Huerta Grow Shop’s team of professionals and we’ll help you sort out any issues you may have.