Cannabis seeds (or marijuana) germinate when they’re in the right conditions for successful growth. In nature, this process occurs on its own around springtime; moist soil begins to heat up with the increased sunlight and the inclination of the earth. We’re going to give a quick overview of the different methods used when it comes to germinating cannabis seeds.
Under these conditions, seeds germinate in soil protected from direct light and in an airy substrate. Once they’ve germinated they will begin to take root in the soil.
In this post we’re going to explain the most common methods used to germinate cannabis seeds, replicating the favourable conditions that can be found in nature. You’ll need to keep the following parameters in mind:
- Humidity: alongside heat, this activates seeds and softens the protective shell. Once the seed has germinated, it will need moisture to survive.
- Darkness: roots are incredibly light-sensitive, so they’ll need to be in the dark in order to guarantee germination.
- Heat: alongside humidity, heat activates seeds and indicates that the conditions are right to begin growing. It’s important to maintain temperatures between 20 and 26°C during the germination process.
- Oxygen: it’s important to periodically open the container in which you’re germinating your seeds in order to renew airflow and give your plants’ seeds more oxygen.
How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds
There are many different germination methods when it comes to cannabis seeds, from simple to complex processes. In this post we’re going to go through the most common methods used that, when done with a care, can be 100% effective.
Germinating Cannabis Seeds in Paper Towels
Germination in paper towels is La Huerta Grow Shop’s preferred and recommended method due to how efficient and easy it is, as well as being the cheapest method.
Necessary Materials
- Absorbent paper towels (kitchen)
- Two plates or plastic, opaque Tupperware with a lid.
- Water.
- Sprayer (optional.
- Seeds
- Latex gloves.
We highly recommend using latex gloves during the entire process in order to avoid accidental contamination via fungi or virus.
You can also use Germinator Pro to help you with this process; it comes with everything needed for the germination process, including a thermometer on top of the germinating container.
Steps to follow
- Place 6 – 8 paper towels on a plate or in your Tupperware, and pour in small amounts of mild water until they’re covered. Squeeze them softly until they’re moist but not soaking.
- Place the seeds on the paper towel “pillow”, keeping them a distance a apart so their roots don’t end up intertwining. The less you touch them with your hands, the better.
- Wet another 6 – 8 paper towels, squeeze to remove excess water and place them on top of your seeds.
- Place the second plate upside-down on top (or the Tupperware lid) in order to guarantee darkness. You can close the lid entirely or not, depending on how fast the paper dries. Keep in mind that you need to keep the paper towels moist until the last seed germinates. If you close the lid fully, open it once a day to make sure they get more air and to check if they’ve germinated.
- Place the seed container in a warm area without direct sunlight, keeping the temperature between 18 and 25°C. At La Huerta Grow Shop we’ve noticed that cannabis seed germinate faster and better when placed over very light heat sources like a router or on top of the fridge, which generate high enough temperatures to stimulate germination.
- Observe the process and maintain humidity. If the paper dries up, spray it again until it’s moist. Seeds don’t always germinate at the same time, so we recommend transplanting when the root is between 1 and 15 cm. If you leave germinated seeds in the container for too long, the root may grow too long and make them harder to handle. This initial root is highly delicate; we recommend using latex or plastic gloves.
- Transplant your seeds. You’ll need to wash the soil and make a hole as deep as the root; place the seed in with the root facing downwards. This allows the first two leaves to sprout above the surface of the substrate. The substrate should be moist – not soaked – until the plant grows its first pair of real leaves. During this delicate phase, the amount of moisture available is crucial; don’t let it dry out too much, but don’t over-water. We recommend using small amounts of water frequently.
*if you’re using a heater or heating mat, keep in mind that your seeds are in a container and not a flowerpot, so the heat may be excessive.
At La Huerta Grow Shop we highly recommend using root stimulants such as the renowned Rhizotonic or the efficient Root Wizard during the first few growing weeks from germination. This makes for an increase in root growth and, consequently, plant growth. With a low-consuming 4x55w light you can light up one square meter of young plants. You don’t need HPS lights yet; they produce much more heat and this can be bad for such small plants and their delicate leaves.
Pros of Germinating Cannabis in Paper Towels
- Affordable and accessible materials.
- You can check on the seeds.
- Seeds located at all times.
Paper towels hold moisture nicely, are easy to re-hydrate and don’t stick to your plants roots, making them easy to separate. We don’t recommend cotton or other types of paper.
- You’ll have to handle germinated seeds, which is one of the plants’ most delicate and fragile stages.

Germinating Cannabis Seeds in Jiffys
Jiffy’s are pressed peat cubes or cylinders that expand when moistened. They come in different sizes, although the smallest size is best for germination. They tend to be used for rooting clones but you can use them for germination too.
Necessary Materials
- Jiffy
- Water
- Seeds
- Mycorrhizae and Trichoderma
Steps to follow
- Place the jiffys in a container.
- Prepare the water: adjust pH between 6.2 and 6.5. This is the perfect time for adding mycorrhizae and Trichoderma to your water in order to inoculate the jiffy and make root growth easier.
- Hydrate your jiffys: (with or without Trichoderma), you’ll see the jiffy begin to expand when wet. Once they’ve expanded, squeeze them softly with your hands in order to get rid of any leftover water without squeezing the peat inside.
- Make a hole on the top part of the Jiffy: you can use a long utensil such as a pen. The hole should be 1.5 – 2 cm deep.
Place the seed in the hole and cover it with your finger without pressing in. - Place the Jiffy tray in a warm area – 18 – 25 °C.
- Keep your Jiffy’s moist until the two first small leaves sprout, called cotyledons. You can keep your plant in the jiffy until the two main leaves sprout out of the sides. This is when you should transplant to a larger flowerpot.
Pros of Germinating Using Jiffys
- Almost no plant handling.
- Located seed at all times.
- Easy transplant.
- Less airy in cases of excess humidity.
- You can’t check to see if your seed has germinated; you won’t be able to see seed progression until it has popped out of the soil.

Germinating Cannabis Seeds in Flowerpots
If you’re going to germinate cannabis seeds directly in your flowerpot, we must warn you that when you use this method, seed banks can’t be held responsible for the results nor will they return the seeds, as they may not have germinated due to external causes. If you choose this method, we recommend following these steps for the best germination results:
Necessary materials:
- Flowerpots
- Substrate
- Seeds
Steps to Follow
- Choose and prepare your flowerpot. It’s best to start off using a small 0.2 – 0.4L flowerpot.
- Fill the flowerpot with substrate.; if using coco coir you’ll need to use ¼ of the nutrient dosage designed for the growth period.
- Using your hand, press the substrate into the pot without pressing too much – coco coir should compact itself when moistened.
- Prepare water and feed. Add root stimulant and growth fertilizer (only if growing in coco coir or soil with no fertilizers) and adjust the pH to 6.2 – 6.5. Moisten the substrate until water comes out of the bottom.
- Make a small 2 cm hole and place the seed inside after a few minutes so the water has enough time to soak it all.
- Keep the substrate moist and observe your plant daily. Once it has germinated, you can do small moisture and drought cycles without letting it dry out or soak up too much.
Pros of germinating cannabis seeds in flowerpots
- No plant handling.
- No air if there’s excess humidity.
- You can’t check on your seeds.
- It can be hard to get a seed bank if done wrong.
- You lose any seed bank guarantee due to possible soil pathogens.

If you have any questions regarding how to germinate cannabis seeds make sure to get in touch with our team of experts and we’ll sort it out together.
La Huerta Grow Shop