Using Beneficial Soil Microorganisms for Growing Cannabis
When we refer to beneficial soil microorganisms, we mean various types of fungi and bacteria that establish a symbiotic relationship with plants; that is to say, their activity promotes the growth and development of cannabis and vice versa.
Today, it's widely acknowledged that this microbial life present in the substrate is key for growing cannabis in organic systems, which respect nature, plants, and the environment more, while also offering higher quality yields.
Beneficial microorganisms proliferate in the so-called “rhizosphere”, which is the area surrounding the roots. They help to break down essential nutrients for the plants, protect them from harmful fungi, and enhancing the soil structure. In turn, these microorganisms feed on the sugars excreted by the plant through the roots, creating a win-win relationship that offers numerous advantages.
Benefits of Integrating “Live Soil” into Cannabis Grows