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Basic Cannabis Growing Concepts

Here you can find all of the basic cannabis growing concepts and essential lessons every grower needs to learn to start growing cannabis.

Heatwave: The Importance of Water Temperature in Cannabis Cultivation

The stress that cannabis plants experience when temperatures exceed 30 degrees is a factor more or less known by those growers who live in regions with warm climates, where summer temperatures can even surpass 40 degrees.

Growing cannabis during a heatwave, be it indoors or outdoors, is certainly a challenge. This is because high temperatures can severely affect the health, growth, and yield of cannabis plants.

While many cannabis growers are accustomed to implementing heat protection strategies in their grows (for instance, a shading mesh or an air conditioning unit), something many often overlook is the temperature of the irrigation water.

cloro marihuana

How Does Chlorine Affect your Cannabis Plants?

Chlorine is a chemical element found in the halogen group in the periodic table of elements. Its role in water treatment is to eliminate bacteria and other organisms to make drinking water safe.

Despite the fact that chlorine has made tap water sanitary, it can damage plants, including cannabis.

How does Chlorine Affect Cannabis Plants?

Watering your plants (in general) with water that contains chlorine isn’t a good idea, but when it comes to your cannabis grow, you should pay particular attention to try and avoid it. Here are the reasons why.

Chlorine harms beneficial soil microorganisms
buen sabor marihuana

Growing techniques to improve the aroma and taste of your cannabis buds

Choosing the right cannabis seeds is key to obtaining those amazing aromas and flavors. Although the cannabis plant is known for having a generally complex and intense aromatic profile, strains like Gorilla Glue or Lemon King are particularly aromatic due to their incredibly high terpene production.

Growing conditions for improving the yield and preserving the aroma and flavor of your cannabis plants

Terpenes are the molecules responsible for the aroma and flavor of cannabis. These compounds are found in the resin of the buds and can fluctuate in quantity depending on the environmental conditions of the grow.

Here we explain what parameters you need to consider to obtain top-notch flavors and aromas.

Temperatures for growing marijuana: Keep it cool
como cultivar en scrog

How to grow using SCROG (Screen of Green)

One of the most popular methods to boost the productivity of a grow room or grow tent is to use the SCROG technique (an acronym for Screen of Green). The lower light power used when indoor growing was just becoming popular, created a necessity to optimize the buds' exposure to light, giving rise to this popular method.

The sun, being a potent light source located far away, delivers similar light intensity to both the top and the lower branches of the plants. However, when you grow in an indoor tent, it is essential to remember that the grow light is a much less potent source that is placed close to the plants, creating a significant lighting difference between the top and lower branches. Hence, it's not sensible to grow tall plants indoors. The SCROG method helps achieve even exposure across all the buds of the plant.

What is SCROG?

The SCROG technique involves using a mesh suspended over the pots. As the plants grow, the stems are passed through the mesh, encouraging horizontal growth. The goal is to evenly cover the entire trellis to obtain a green screen filled with buds which are all at the same level.

cultivo de marihuana

The Life Cycle of the Cannabis Plant: From Seed to Harvest

The noble art of cannabis cultivation calls for knowledge and patience, as each stage in the plant's life cycle requires different practices.

Below you'll find a guide spanning the four essential periods of the life cycle of cannabis, specifying each step for each stage: germination, early life days, growth phase, and flowering.

First Stage: How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds (1-5 days)

Many underestimate it, but the germination of cannabis seeds is one of the most delicate points in the process. It's important to purchase quality seeds from reputable seed banks to ensure a good germination ratio. To check the viability of the seeds, a simple flotation test in water can be done; those that sink in the glass will be viable.

cannabis hermafrodita

What is Hermaphrodite Cannabis? How to Find it and What to Do

Hermaphroditism in cannabis plants refers to the presence of both male and female reproductive organs on the same plant, meaning the cannabis plant exhibits flowers with pistils (buds) and pollen sacs at the same time.

While hermaphroditism in cannabis plants may seem like a simple biological curiosity, it holds significant practical implications for growers, especially those aiming for high-quality flowers with elevated cannabinoid levels and premium seedless bud harvests.

These plants are not only less productive but can also pollinate other female plants (and themselves), ruining the entire harvest with unwanted seeds that can cause an unpleasant taste when consuming the buds.

Why Does my Cannabis Plant have Yellow Leaves? Causes and Solutions

There are several reasons why the leaves of cannabis plants can turn yellow; it's important to know what is causing this symptom as the problem may be more or less severe, or simply a natural function of the plant's life cycle towards the end of its life.

In this article, we detail the causes for the appearance of yellow leaves in cannabis plants when they shouldn't, as well as solutions to remedy this problem depending on its origin.

Primary Causes for Yellowing Cannabis Leaves

As we just mentioned, there are different reasons why cannabis leaves can turn yellow. Quickly identifying the root of the problem is essential to take the appropriate measures and reverse the situation.

Deficiencies in Cannabis Feeding
cogollo morado

Why Cannabis Plants are Different Colors; Purple, Yellow and Orange

Cannabis enthusiasts revel in the visual spectacle that some strains offer – visually pleasing plants that captivate with the beauty of their purple, reddish, and even bluish hues.

Next, we'll explain why genetics, chemistry, and the environment influence the color palette of cannabis and what this means for growers and enthusiasts of this plant.

Chlorophyll and its Role in the Color of Cannabis Plants

Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for the characteristic green color of cannabis plants. Moreover, it’s an essential element for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plant cells and is crucial for light absorption.

Function of chlorophyll in photosynthesis
calor cultivo marihuana

How to Protect your Cannabis Plants from Heat Stress: Complete Guide for Indoors and Outdoors

Whether you're growing indoors or deciding to start your own cannabis grow outdoors, heat stress is one of the factors that can prevent your cannabis plants from developing properly. Here's everything you need to know about this issue to ensure a successful grow and obtain delicious yields.

What is Heat Stress and How does it Affect your Cannabis Plants?

Cannabis plants can experience stress due to various reasons such as insect infestations, lack of watering, improper pH levels, and also from being exposed to excessively high temperatures. The optimal temperature range for proper plant development is around 19°C at night (or when the lights are off) and 25°C during the day (or when the indoor lights are on).

However, most cannabis strains can tolerate higher temperatures without issues. Nevertheless, when the thermometer surpasses 30 degrees, symptoms indicating thermal stress may start to appear.

podar marihuana

Different Types of Cannabis Pruning Techniques

There are many different types of cannabis pruning techniques with which the quality and yield of cannabis plants can be easily improved. Some methods are more suited for indoor grows, whereas others are more suited for outdoor grows.

Plus, not all cannabis plants react the same way to the same type of cannabis pruning techniques. There are strains that, due to how they grow, aren’t recommended for certain types of pruning techniques. Also, there is an ideal time to prune cannabis plants and for each type of prune, which is important to keep in mind for successful results. In this post we’re going to illustrate all of the details you need to know about these pruning techniques used on cannabis plants.

What is Pruning?

Pruning is an agricultural practice with centuries of history behind it, and consists of cutting branches in a specific way to direct the growth of the plant, increasing its final yield. This practice can also be applied to cannabis plants to increase bud yield.

fertilizantes bio

Organic Fertilizers VS Mineral Fertilizers – Which is Better?

Fertilizing is an essential part of the growth and development of cannabis plants, so that they can get the necessary nutrients needed for each stage of their lives, helping them to produce abundant, high quality yields.

Choosing the best fertilizers for your cannabis plants can make a massive difference when it comes to final results. Keep reading, we’re going to go into the characteristics of each type of fertilizer.

Where do Different Fertilizers Come From?

Organic fertilizers are organic in origin, which means they’re produced or obtained from elements present in nature. Worm hummus, for example, is obtained from worm excrement from a specific type of red Californian worm. This fertilizer, as well as being a super complete fertilizer, is highly useful when it comes to growing cannabis as there’s no risk of over-fertilizing plants or burning their roots. This is why it’s ideal for beginners, especially for outdoor grows.

Como secar, curar y almacenar marihuana

How to Dry, Cure and Store Cannabis Flowers

Before explaining how to dry and cure cannabis, let’s make sure the objective is clear and the differences in each process are understood.

Drying cannabis is essentially evaporating the leftover water in the flowers, while curing cannabis also causes water loss as well as chlorophyll evaporation, which makes for a much better flavour and aroma. This also increases cannabinoid content, as well as improving terpenes and essential oils.

The Best Conditions for Drying Cannabis Plants

In order to dry your cannabis plants correctly, you’ll need to keep in mind a couple of factors that determine certaine characteristics like aroma, flavour and effect.

Avoid direct light on the buds: during the drying process plants should be in the dark. Try and keep the ambient humidity between 60 – 65% when drying cannabis during the first 7 days. If humidity is too high and you can’t get it down you can use a small air extractor with an active carbon filter in order to extract extra moisture and allow for passive air. Try and keep the temperature between 15 and 18 degrees; temperatures above this can cause terpenes to evaporate in larger amounts and faster. Avoid rapid changes in temperature. Make sure to let fresh air into the drying area daily. Don’t use fans or dehumidifiers to dry your plants, as anything used to make the process faster can cause a decrease in aroma, flavour and effect. Don’t let your cannabis dry out too much – don’t let it lose more than 70% moisture. How to Know if Cannabis is Dry Enough?
fast version sweet

What are Fast Version Cannabis Strains?

You’ve probably heard about feminized, regular and autoflowering strains, but have you ever heard of Fast Version strains?

In the following post you’ll learn about what they are and how they differ from other strains.

What are Fast Version Strains?

Fast Version seeds are those which have a shorter flowering period, usually a week or two shorter (compared to the original strain).

Como manicurar plantas de marihuana

How to Trim Cannabis Plants

Trimming is essentially removing stems and leaves from your cannabis plants’ flowers. Essentially, removing everything that you’re not going to be using. Just like with other topics dealt with on this blog, there are many ways and theories dealing with trimming cannabis plants – let’s go over the various options and recommendations so you can choose the right way for you.

Cannabis leaves are incredibly important, as they’re in charge of photosynthesis, storing energy as carbs, metabolizing vitamins and hormones, storing nutrients etc. These are incredibly important for proper plant growth; this is why we don't recommend removing leaves while the plants are growing, unless it's absolutely necessary to increase light reach - even then, we recommend removing as few as possible.

Once harvesting time rolls around, the leaves become less important and less necessary, so you can tuck a some of them under the flowers if light is becoming an issue. Some growers also use a technique called defoliation when growing certain strains; this involves removing certain leaves during the second flowering week in order to make sure more light reaches the buds, although this technique is used by growers who tent to work with the same strain and know their plans very well.

Cannabis Trimming Methods
Cuando cosechar marihuana

When to Harvest Cannabis Plants

Depending on the type of grow and the strain grown, harvesting time for cannabis plants can be shorter or longer. Although it’s clear that all of the time spent growing is for the purpose of harvesting, if it’s not done at the right time you’ll be ruining a lot of hard work and the time it took to get there.

The best time to harvest cannabis depends on the conditions in which the plants are in and the results you’re looking for. In order to figure out the perfect time and prepare accordingly, you can use the information that you already have on the strain or clone that you’re growing. Each seed bank indicated the approximate flowering dates of their strains, as well as an approximate harvest date. This allows you to have a general idea of when you’ll have to stop feeding etc.

As well as these previous points, which can help you to have a general idea of an approximate harvest date, you should also keep in mind a few important factors that you can observe in your plants.

When to Harvest Cannabis Plants
Como abonar plantas de marihuana

How to Fertilize Cannabis Plants

Fertilizing is the act of giving your plants nutrients in order to provide them with the diet they need to grow and flower under the best conditions. Cannabis plants mainly absorb nutrients via their roots. They also have the capacity to absorb nutrients via their leaves, although not as much. There are three different ways to fertilize your cannabis plants:

Liquid nutrients and additives mixed in with water. Powdered nutrients and additives, mixed or sprinkled in soil. You can also dilute liquid fertilizers and additives in water and then spray it on your plants (foliar fertilization).

Types of Nutrients

Cannabis plants need macro and micro-nutrients to guarantee optimal growth during their life cycle. Macro-nutrients are one of the main compounds in cannabis plants, and micro-nutrients are those needed in smaller amounts. They’re also incredibly important when it comes to metabolic functions in plants (enzymes, vitamins and other additives).

Cómo distinguir marihuana macho y hembra

Identifying Male and Female Cannabis Plants

Cannabis Sativa or marijuana is a dioecious plant, which means that both males and females can be found in nature. These plants reproduce sexually via pollination of the female by the male; male plants produce pollen from their flowers which go to the females’ pistils. This is how cannabis seeds are formed, which have Y chromosomes and X chromosomes (male and female, respectively). A pure female plant has YY chromosomes, and a pure male plant has XX chromosomes; most plants are XY.

Most growers are looking to grow plants that produce female flowers, as these are the ones which contain the most active substances in cannabis (cannabinoids and terpenes). Nowadays, it’s easy to get feminized seeds, which always produce females, although if you want to grow regular seeds you’ll need to know how to tell the difference between male and female cannabis plants.

How to Identify your Cannabis Plants’ Sex

When it comes to growing cannabis, you can start from clones or cuttings, which are guaranteed to be female as they’re from mother plants and grow with the same characteristics. On the other hand, if you decide to grow from seeds you’ll need to know what type you’re growing in order to identify its sex.

Types of Cannabis Seeds Feminized Seeds: these seeds also include most autoflowering strains. These seeds only produce female plants, all of which produce sought-after buds. If obtained from a reliable seed bank, you don’t need to worry if they’re male or female plants, as they couldn’t possibly be male. Regular Seeds: they can produce both female and male plants, so you’ll need to be able to differentiate between the two in order to use them according to whatever your goal or objective may be.

When and How to Transplant Cannabis

Cannabis plants’ roots are incredibly important when it comes to developing and growing properly; the roots are where they’ll absorb most of their nutrients from. A cannabis plant with small or little roots won’t be able to grow large and strong, however a plant with a decent root system will be able to grow into a large, high-yielding plant.

You should always make sure that your plants grow their own healthy root system from the very start up until the end. You can use root stimulants like Bio Rhizotonic by Canna or Rootbastic by Atami once you’ve planted your germinated seeds in order to give them a push in the right direction and an increase in growth speed. We highly recommend using rooting products during transplants too, such as Mycorrhizae and Trichoderma in order to protect and improve root growth (when growing organically).

What is a Transplant?

Transplanting is essentially relocating a plant into new substrate or a new container larger than the last one or straight to the ground in order to increase and improve root growth.

Como regar plantas de marihuana

How to Water Cannabis Plants

Water is the transportation device used by nutrients in order to get inside the plant, and it’s in charge of distributing nutrients (carbs, vitamins, hormones) around the plant’s metabolic system. It also dissolves the nutrients given to the plant, moistening the substrate, adding oxygen to soil and roots, while also maintaining pH levels etc…

Watering with the correct amount and in the correct way is just as important as knowing when to water. If you don’t water your plants when they need it, they will dry up, and if you water them too much they’ll starve of oxygen in the roots, which is why it’s important to find the perfect balance.

Watering is the most repeated chore when growing cannabis; try and give your plants water with low mineral concentrations (osmosis water is ideal), unwanted mineral salts can block your plants’ roots, stopping them from absorbing nutrients correctly. If you’re using tap water, we recommend using enzymes frequently in order to avoid mineral salt built up.

Important Factors When Watering 1. Controlled watering
How to make cannabis clones

How to Clone Cannabis Plants

Cuttings are fragments taken from plants that are capable of rooting and replicating the original plant, which is why they’re taken from branches rather than leaves. A cutting is a clone of what’s known as a mother plant. This means that they’ll grow to be genetically identical to the plant they’re taken from with the exact same characteristics. Taking cuttings is a relatively easy task, but you’ll need to know how to do it correctly in order to make sure that your cannabis clones root properly. In this post we're going to talk about how to clone cannabis plants.

How to Clone Cannabis Plants

Cloning cannabis plants is generally a simple, easy task, but you’ll need to be meticulous, organized and clean in order to do it correctly. The following video is a summary of the process, followed by a detailed step by step explanation on how to clone cannabis plants so you can successfully take your own cannabis cuttings in order to grow clones.